Beginning the Packing

Beginning the Packing

These last two months have not afforded me much time to prepare for the trip. I couldn’t leave any earlier because I had so much official administration business at work, and end of the year business. I couldn’t start packing because I’ve had all of...
Chaos, dehydration, deadly BO and Malaria

Chaos, dehydration, deadly BO and Malaria

I’m in I’m sitting in the Amsterdam airport and could not be happier to be out of the Entebbe Airport. That was a complete nightmare. First I finished my shopping too early and ended up at the airport at 1pm. My flight didn’t leave until 9:50pm but...
Chaos, dehydration, deadly BO and Malaria

Lists, Lists and More Lists…

I’m beginning to think I’ve lost my mind booking two trips back to back like I did, however, it has been several years since I’ve traveled internationally, so I’m long overdue.   I’m trying to follow lists.   So many lists to make and...