The House of Angels is awakening. I on the other hand, am still on my coffee euphoria from last night.   I may or may not have internet access problems today, so I’m up early looking for comments, checking mail etc.   I’m going to see Simona’s mom and dad today and stay at their new home they build, I cannot wait to see them.   I am hoping I get to take pics of Simona’s dad as he works, he has a most fascinating job.  I’m unsure what his title is, but he hand carves the molds for dentures, crafting each as a unique piece.   An artform that has been replaced by computers in other parts of the world.

Tirgoviste is the home base of the well known “Vlad the Impaler” the real character impersonated by the fictional Dracula.

I hope to see comments here on my blog as I don’t want to be thinking I’m talking to myself, however, since I do that all the time anyway, what’s new?  La Revedere!