Meet Ádám, Hungarian Translator

Meet Ádám, Hungarian Translator

When I travel, I always am thankful for the kindness and hospitality of my translators. Meeting Ádám was a great experience. He bought my lunch and cappuccino twice, and breakfast in the market. He introduced me to Hungarian food which I will have to attempt to cook...
Meet Ádám, Hungarian Translator

I Live in Tornado Alley

Last night as I slept in Budapest, this was happening near my home in Amarillo.   Thankfully everyone is safe and it did no serious damage. This is probably only about 5 or 6 miles from our home at the most.  While I’ve been gone there were several tornadoes in...
Meet Ádám, Hungarian Translator

Back in Budapest

I’m back in Budapest, on the “Pest” side of the Danube. I’m staying in the Hotel Pilvax. The hotel is directly across from a small grocery and a bank and my room has fast free wireless. Close to the subway, three blocks from the river, such a...
Meet Ádám, Hungarian Translator

Budapest Day II, The Great Market Hall and US Embassy

I have so much information about the child welfare system here. I have been privileged to meet officials and key personnel here for the past two days. The day started with Adam treating me to a little “breakfast” at the Great Market Hall in Budapest.  The...
Meet Ádám, Hungarian Translator

A Day in Miskolc, Hungary

I am now in a new hotel for the evening! Hotel Pannonia in Miskolc, Hungary. This morning my now very well known translator Adam, from Miskolc picked me up at the The Matyas Hotel and I was really glad to see him. Prompt, 10 minutes early! His English is superb and I...