Yesterday Gelu attended the funeral in Bucharest of one of his friends from the Air Force. You could tell he had a sad morning. Gelu was an Officer and air traffic controller for the Romanian Air Force. He told me this was a very stressful job and that very few had this job. I’m in great hands with transportation and Gelu! He can dodge potholes and oncoming traffic like you cannot imagine.

Today Simona and I are filming the kids for a promotional video for the House of Angels. It is very difficult because we have to keep their identity private. The wishes of the Romanian Government and Child Protection will be honored, but it won’t be an easy task.

Today is cold “frig” and overcast. The children won’t be able to play outside unless it warms up a bit.

I’m watching an old man and woman walk their goats across the street and down the sidewalk at the House of Angels (HOA) through my window upstairs. The goats have kids and the stray dogs are freaking the kids out. It is a slow process getting them to where they are going I bet and keeping the kids in line and out of the traffic. I grabbed my video camera and got a clip but with the fence I don’t know how well it will show. All in a day in Romania.

I learned that the husband of the old woman with the black and white cow across the street from the HOA has died. This is always difficult for the older generation as they must continue on their hard lives without a partner. I’ll hopefully get to grab a photo of her before I leave. She is sort of a fixture here and and the subject of many an American volunteer photo.

Last night (as if it really mattered) Simona discovered that they had not left me food in the refrigerator. Heaven came down at that moment. This is really the unthinkable. I was totally fine with bread and jam and salami and some cheese spread but no….as she said there will be a scandal over this tomorrow. An hour later George arrived saying “Pizza Hut” at my door. I had told her not to worry. This is very typical. He had gone and bought me a pizza. Of course I’m eating the obligatory piece. Hopefully there is some cold in the fridge tonight!

In Romania you gain about 10 extra mothers worrying about your sleep and skin and clothes and hair and nutrition. They are vehement about everything that has to do with taking care of a “guest” although I’m not one by now.

There are some nurses here I’ve grown to really love, some of the past nurses are still here and some from the state. The state nurses have to learn to care for children in the House of Angels way, which we prefer a US daycare type style. It is never perfect. It is never without scrutiny of American eyes that aren’t understanding of this culture.

Four children went to be checked at the hospital in Tirgoviste today so that should take several hours.

I’m enjoying this quiet morning…waiting on photos to upload. This may take hours!! Bună dimineaţa (Good morning) everyone!