You Are Getting VERY VERY Sleeeeeepy…

You Are Getting VERY VERY Sleeeeeepy…

I used to have a boss that would take an afternoon nap, regardless of what was happening in her office. She operated the office in her home with a secretary. The phones would go off around noon and she would leave them off until she was rested fully. She could out...
Soy…What’s Up?

Soy…What’s Up?

I know, I know it has been forever since I’ve updated.   I love writing in my blog and updating all of you following, but unfortunately my work comes first always!   That usually means I come home after an extremely long day of updating, website management,...
You Are Getting VERY VERY Sleeeeeepy…

L’shana Tova!

L’shana Tova to my friends celebrating the Jewish New Year this evening.   Wishing everyone a year of health and happiness!
You Are Getting VERY VERY Sleeeeeepy…

Thinking of You…

Where ever I go I meet people that touch my life in a way that is unforgettable.   I often think of them during the quiet times in my day (usually at 2 a.m.) and it is as if yesterday, I was there in that place.  No matter how long ago, I remember most people I meet,...
You Are Getting VERY VERY Sleeeeeepy…

Life After Africa

I can’t even tell you how difficult the re-entry has been for me coming back to Texas from Uganda.  I’ve always struggled a bit with jet lag, and when I come home from Romania a bit of depression over the children, but this is significantly worse.   I...