That’s the Texan pronunciation! You don’t know what other names it has been called here.

I will let you all know that I’m still at the House of Angels, I will miss going to Bulgaria completely and Hungary is still up in the air with a ticket booked tomorrow.

Unfortunately I can only take 20 kilos on the plane with me so I have to leave everything behind. I’ll probably go with one change of underclothes and one change of clothes and my electronics and personal items. I have to leave most of the gifts behind. This was the hardest travel day I’ve ever experienced. Airport, train station and then to another city 2 hours away for another 2 hours in the travel agency.

Again in the morning to the airport.

I promise to write more later but I have a pile of crap I’m hopefully going to mail home, a pile of crap I’m going to take and then just a pile of crap. That’s all it is now. They wouldn’t let me on the plane because of it!!!