I was able to get on the flight. I was one kilo under-weight and I didn’t have to gate check my “hand luggage.” You cannot imagine how much I’ve fretted over the bags. The plane had a minor difficulty…they couldn’t get the door shut. I thought we would all cry inside the plane. Finally the announcement that the door had been repaired satisfactorily. Thats nice.

I’m in the City Hotel Matyas, Budapest and it is almost 3 pm. I am going to go get some Hungarian money and maybe shop a little. A man sitting beside me as I people watched wanted to make a charcoal of my profile. I didn’t have time but that would have been very memorable.

The hotel reception was very nice and great English. I love it here, overlooking the Danube and I can see a castle up on the hill. I’m laying on the bed typing right now. It is really a great room too on the first floor and I have the wifi from the lobby. Wish I could have stayed here for the other two nights.

I will travel to Miskolc, Hungary tomorrow. I will meet with the orphanage director and meet some foster parents and just see how things are there to establish our relationship and adoption presence in Hungary. I’m very pleased to have been accredited to work here.

I must go get some water to take my theraflu. I will need money for that and to find a store. Always an adventure!!! More later tonight.